Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Good News

Good Morning All,

Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! “Attack Against Militias Puts Cease-Fire at Risk!” “Economic Outlook Worst Since 1973!” Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! “Candidates Weigh in on Housing Market!” “Missile Parts Sent to Taiwan by Mistake!” “Ice Shelf Collapse Puts Other Glacial Ice at Risk!” Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! “Two Die as Crane Section Falls !” “Detroit Mayor, Ex-aide pleads not guilty!” “Year-Round or Not?”
Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!

The above headlines come from this morning’s News & Observer. I searched and searched for a story filled with “good” news but to no avail. I challenge you to do the same. I guess one could use the Sports section as a source of good news; but only if YOUR team happened to have won. One could peruse the Life section and declare that the recipes and food information is filled with at least some goodness. But all in all, today’s stories are all about tragedies and crises here and around the globe. I daresay the same is true for the television news broadcasts. I recently heard someone say, “If it bleeds, it leads…” meaning only stories about blood and guts or some kind of tragedy or crisis, make the top of the news hour.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! “I want to run a few tests to make sure what we’re looking at…” “I’m sorry, he didn’t survive the surgery…” “The tests have determined that you have…” “I just don’t want to be married to you anymore…” Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! “We need to downsize and your division is the first one to be dismissed…” “I regret to inform you that we must foreclose on your home immediately…” Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! “My life is a real mess…” “I have lost my way and can’t seem to get a grip on my life…” “I’m not sure I have anything to live for…”
Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!

As I muse about the headlines as well as the news that touches us even more personally and place them alongside our Easter morning greeting, “Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed,” I see God’s Good News peppered throughout all the bad news. And I am reminded that God is in the midst of it all--the good, the bad and the ugly. I also see the Easter message declaring that God’s miracle of Christ’s resurrection is the source of my strength and yours as we face whatever comes our way in this life.

God’s Good News declares that death is finished! When we first think of death we know it as an end to one’s earthly existence. Yet death also comes to us in the form of broken relationships; broken dreams; broken lives; loss of livelihood; times when we feel we have lost all hope. But God’s Good News breaks through any and all death as God restores new life; offers us new beginnings; new approaches; a new sense of purpose and well being. God’s Good News brings us hope in this life as we live in the undying hope of the Resurrection…as God makes good on all of God’s promises…

Marilyn Brown Oden in Wilderness Wanderings-a Lenten Pilgrimage says it this way: “Christ is risen in the world…The Light has come into the darkness! The new mystery enfolds us, lifts us…Christ is risen in our lives…Nothing will ever be quite the same again…we journey in a new kind of light, in a new kind of living, a new kind of giving that brings life to others and to ourselves…Christ is risen in the Church…We draw together in community in the name of Jesus Christ…We have been given the Light of Christ; the Word of hope and love that teaches us how to live together; the Waters of Baptism; the Lord’s Supper…We encircle all of God’s people with the empowering light of holy love. We go to the edge and dare to leap; and miracle of miracles, we find as feeble as we are, together we can soar!”
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen indeed!
Blessings, Joanne

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Holy Week Musings

Good Morning Lenten Trekkers,

Well, here we are…what a week it’s been and it’s only Wednesday. I’m still reeling in from the excitement and celebrations from Sunday’s parade. I just love a good parade! A bit curious though…Not sure why Jesus came in riding that donkey; couldn’t the disciples at least find a strong steed to carry him into the city? After all, I’m told he’s our only hope. He’s the one who will save us from our enemies; restore our nation to its rightful power. And all they could find was a donkey? And why the humble robe of a peasant? Where was his royal robe; his golden crown? I just wanted him to look good if anyone dare to compare him to Pilate and his entourage…you know, the strong steed; the rich, flowing robe; that huge crown upon his head…

But there’s something about this Jesus, in his humbleness, his facial expressions, those haunting eyes…ah, I’m really taken in by those eyes…window to a person’s soul; being able to look deep within and somehow know he’s different, this Jesus. He may not be what we were expecting, but I have a feeling he’s something way more than we can ever imagine…

Did you hear about what he did a couple of days ago? It seems the day after the parade Jesus and his friends went to the Temple and when they found it all abuzz with money changers and hustlers…seems he went a bit ballistic…took a whip and cracked it over and over again; turned the sellers tables over; all the while shouting something about how they had turned the holy place of worship into a marketplace, a den of thieves! Such a display of anger! At least he lets us know what he’s thinking…

And then just last evening when he debated his harshest critics. There were many who tried to discredit his teachings. But he never backed down. He simply shared his beliefs from his heart and mind…no, more like his very soul...

And so here we are on the morning of this new day. Rumor has it that Jesus’ dear friend Judas has become a bit disenchanted with Jesus. Perhaps disillusioned or maybe it’s nothing more than impatience with his friend whom he truly believes can change the world with his power and presence. Yet he thinks that Jesus needs to kick his ministry and mission up a notch…display his true power and his true identity…lest they all be killed...

Word on the street is that Judas is really struggling with how to get Jesus to take over and end the oppression…maybe if he forces his hand a bit…if he tries to draw him into a scenario that will force Jesus to quit dragging his feet and stand up to all the ruthless leaders whose power has gone to their heads…Maybe…

Well, tomorrow is the Passover; “the night that is different from all other nights;” when all faithful Jews gather to remember the Exodus from Egyptian slavery. That’s why it’s so crowded here in the city; there must be millions of us here…but there’s a bit of tension in the air…more than the usual brought about by the Roman soldiers…could it be that Jesus is in the midst of a great power play with the authorities? Maybe the greatest ever so far? Could it be that his life is really on the line? Could his mission be coming to an abrupt halt? Why can’t we celebrate the Passover in peace? Why can’t this be a time for “business as usual?”

Hmmmm…looks like there’s a back room deal going on…heard the payoff is 30 pieces of silver…for simply letting the authorities know of a place and time later in the week-- away from the crowds…after the Passover meal; where they can quietly take this Jesus down to the station for, you know, just a little interview…

It’s so unsettling…just who IS this Jesus? Maybe he’s not what we were expecting after all…but I have a feeling he’s something way more than we can ever imagine…

Blessings, Joanne

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Jerusalem, Our Destiny

Good Morning Lenten Travelers,

Well, we’re on the road again this morning, making our way closer and closer to Jerusalem ; only a few more stops along the way. Look! It’s Jesus and Peter deep in conversation. Let’s eavesdrop a bit:

“What are you saying, Peter? I didn’t quite hear you.”
“Look, we have left everything and followed you.”
“And your point?”
“Well, you have just been telling us that it’s impossible for us to save ourselves; but with God all things are possible…” “So where does that leave us?”
“I guess I haven’t made it clear enough for you, so listen carefully: “I mean it when I say that each of you who has dared to leave behind all that you have held dear for my sake and for the sake of the good news we are sharing, will receive much more in this life and in the age to come, eternal life.” (Luke 18:26-30)
“So, does this put your mind more at ease, Peter?” (No response on Peter’s part)

Then Jesus calls his 12 closest companions into an executive session:
“It won’t be long ‘til we arrive in Jerusalem , the place we have been trying to reach for quite some time. But I sense some fear among you; some uncertainty; your faces have question marks written all over them. I have tried to reassure you that your reward for being faithful will be great and far beyond your wildest dreams, yet, you still struggle.”

“Of course we are going there to celebrate the Passover and I am so happy to be able to do so with you in Jerusalem . But, as I have told you at least two times earlier, I need to tell you once again: “Everything that has been written about me by the prophets will happen. I will be turned over to some people who do not believe my true identity. They’re going to treat me very badly—casting insults, mocking me, even spitting on me. They’re going to beat me and I am going to die. But…three days later, I will be alive again!”

But the 12 simply remained clueless. Somehow it was all hidden from their understanding; as if someone had passed out earplugs among them.

We who live “this side” of the resurrection have the advantage of knowing and believing what Jesus was saying about his true identity. But as we journey with Jesus and the others; as we are about to enter the city of Jerusalem; as we take our palm fronds and wave them in the air and as we become hoarse from shouting our “Hosannas,” we too need to stop along the parade route and do a reality check.

Because this side of the resurrection notwithstanding, we need to ask if we really do understand all that Jesus was saying to his disciples? Do we really get the part about the mocking, spitting, beating, dying? And what about this eternal life stuff? Has somebody also given us earplugs?

Well, we’re getting closer and closer to Jerusalem . The Palm Sunday Parade is about to begin. The Grand Marshal is none other than Jesus Christ, Child of God, Anointed One, the Messiah! “Hosanna! Heysanna! Sanna, Sanna, Ho!” Wait, I can’t see him over the crowds. What’s he saying? I can’t get close enough to read his lips…I think he’s saying…nope…can’t quite make it out…Whatdya mean, “Can you hear me now?” Well, can you?

Don’t let the parade pass you by! See you Sunday…Blessings, Joanne