Thursday, August 16, 2007

What’s doubt got to do with it?

Good Morning All,

Last Sunday during worship we explored Hebrews 11: 1-3 and several verses that followed. The writer of Hebrews defines faith as, “…the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen…”The gist of this passage reminds us that it is “by faith,” that the ancient people of God, as well as you and I today, are able to serve God and share in the many wonders of God’s work in the world.
By faith…
…Abraham & Sarah moved out of the familiar and into the unknown…
…Noah, known to drink way too much, was warned by God about events yet unseen & was able to build an ark & save his household and begin again...
…Miriam rescued Moses from the reeds soon after his birth
…Moses who stood up against Pharaoh; killed an Egyptian; yet responded to God’s call to lead the People Israel to the Promised Land...
…Rahab, a prostitute, did not perish with those who were disobedient because she had received the spies in peace...
…David became the greatest of Kings, in spite of arranging to kill Uriah and having an affair with Bathsheba…

By faith…
…Mary humbly accepted her role and gave birth to Jesus...
…The women went to the empty tomb and were responded to the call to tell the Good News of Christ’s resurrection...
…The Samaritan Woman listened to Jesus and allowed him to change her life forever...
…The Hemorrhaging Woman reached out in faith, to touch the hem of Jesus’ robe as he simply passed by, and she was healed...
…Paul, the great persecutor of the early Christians, responded to Christ’s call to become one of the most faithful servants of all time...

By faith…by faith…by faith, you…by faith, me. But when we consider the folks listed above along with countless others, we might begin to shrink away knowing our faith pales by comparison. So many of us think that our doubts outnumber any evidence of faith our lives; that we end up doubting more than believing.

Well, take a look at these words of wisdom:
“Doubt isn’t the opposite of faith; doubt is an element of faith…” (Paul Tillich)

“Doubt is only faith, waiting to be born.” (Rev. Bussey, a now 98 yr. old preacher)

“Whether your faith is that there is a God or that there is not a God (or somewhere in between), if you don’t have any doubts you are either kidding yourself or you’re asleep. Doubts are the ants in the pants of faith. They keep you awake and moving.” :) (Frederick Buechner, Wishful Thinking, A Theological ABC)

So what’s doubt got to do with it? Everything, at least according to these writers and I would daresay, even God! So just when you think your faith has to be absolute, doubt-free, 100% rock solid, revisit the names of those listed above and remember that God uses everybody for God’s purposes…even those you and society may put on the low end of “acceptable:” murderers; prostitutes; alcoholics; adulterers, etc.

I have it on good authority that God is an equal-opportunity employer and therefore, an equal-opportunity giver of faith. So dust off your excuses; move to the ants in your pants, and get busy serving God as God has called you to serve. Blessings, Joanne

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