Thursday, July 9, 2009

Carried Away

Good Morning All!

I came across this Musing written June 14, 2005…and now, here we are 4 years and few days later and it seems the same message applies…Hmmmm…the more things change, the more they stay the same…What do you think? Joanne

Yesterday when the news broke regarding the acquittal of Michael Jackson, I watched as hundreds of fans outside the courthouse erupted with shouts and acclamations of joy and satisfaction. The press, Michael Jackson and his family filed out showing very little emotion. 20 minutes later the Jackson motorcade arrived back at Neverland to be greeted by hundreds more fans, dancing and celebrating outside the gate. The trial has been covered worldwide. And the trial is over; and the “post-trial” follow-ups begin; ad nauseum, I suspect since collective “inquiring minds” are insatiable when it comes to celebrities. And this goes for fans as well as those who are greatly disturbed by the verdict.

Normally I wouldn’t be apt to give this any further press; but in celebrity cases, when interest is so high and it’s the topic for so many around the water coolers, I can’t help but wonder what the attraction really is all about. We act as if we really “know” anyone in the public eye, i.e. film, TV and music celebrities, professional athletes, politicians and world leaders. And with knowing seems to come ownership; as if we have the power to determine their every move; even their destiny. And with our dollars and ballot boxes, I suppose we actually do have some say-so; but you get my drift.

We may or may not be Michael Jackson fans, but if we’re honest, most of us have gotten caught up at some times in our lives, in the “inquiring minds want to know” pursuits when it comes to the famous or infamous who are making headline news. Some spend endless hours reading and watching the news or the biography channel or the entertainment channels; some spend endless hours near or at the scene/courtroom/senate chambers, etc. wherever the action is taking place. Some spend not only time but money to support their habit as a groupie; a fan; a supporter.

It’s times like these when we’re inundated with Michael Jackson media attention that I also wonder why the efforts of living a faithful life do not call forth the same dedication. How many times do we see hundreds of people in long lines to enter worship? How many times do we see people elbowing their way to the front to get a seat so that they might feel God’s spirit moving through those who have gathered as community? How many times do we get excited about our faith? How often do we find it difficult to put the Bible down because we are so caught up in wanting to learn more about God’s love for God’s people?

How many of us carry the words of scripture in our hearts and minds like the lyrics to our favorite songs? How many times do we spend consecutive nights camping out so that we can gain entrance to a church sponsored event? How many mornings do we wake up hoping that we will catch a glimpse of God? How many times does God take our breath away? Just wondering…
Blessings, Joanne

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