Thursday, May 31, 2007

The party's over...?

Good Morning All!

“The party’s over…” Once again that phrase resonates in my mind and heart. I’m not sure when I first became acquainted with that phrase, but I think, just like with so many other things in life, I experienced what it meant long before I had the words to describe it. On most given summer afternoons, I’m playing with all my neighborhood friends. Laughter and loud voices fill the air; the sun is going down all too quickly and the trees and houses stand still as silhouettes against the pink & orange sky…and one by one, you and your friends, one by one, are called home by the even louder voice of a parent standing in the open screen door…

All the presents are wrapped. The house is alive with festive decorations and music. Anticipation and excitement abound. The oohs and ahs and “Thanks, how did you know this is exactly what I wanted?” fill the room. And the last Christmas gift has been opened. The holiday food has been prepared and devoured to everyone’s delight. You fall into bed exhausted but with a huge smile on your face…

You’ve been consumed with the planning and arranging. The invitations have been sent. And your wedding day has finally arrived. And before you know it, the ceremony ends with a kiss; the last guest has left the reception and you’re traveling to your honeymoon destination...

Your Senior year is quickly coming to a close…all those years of blood, sweat and tears—and those come from your parentsJ; Graduation is finally in sight. You’ve fulfilled all your requirements; survived the rehearsal, the tassels have been turned and your future awaits…

As we move from childhood to adulthood, our life experiences allow our feelings to be described in words and we learn all too quickly what it means when we say or hear “the party’s over.” That’s how I felt this past Sunday following worship. We threw the Church a birthday party…complete with red balloons; a few party hats, bubbles, wind chimes, birthday cupcakes, folks dressed in red clothing or wearing red accessories; inspiring music that told the story of that first Christian Pentecost Day so long ago…

The party’s over…and I think I am suffering from a bit of Pentecost Day withdrawal…My favorite church holiday has come and gone…the leftover helium balloons have fallen to the floor; the flame is extinguished; gone are the songs that speak of the wind and fire that blew the disciples and other early followers out into the city streets of Jerusalem that morning long ago…The sanctuary is silent…Gone is the festive atmosphere of the one day in church’s calendar that frees us up a bit to really celebrate God’s Holy Spirit breathing life into the early community of faith and into our community of faith…

The sharing of experiences of wind and fire, visions and dreams, has been silenced…or have they? Pentecost Day may have come and gone, but each day of our lives you and I are filled with the presence of God’s Holy Spirit. The Spirit that would allow us to continue to experience God in Jesus Christ, as if that first Day of Pentecost were just yesterday…

God continues to fulfill the ancient promise of sending us an Advocate, a Comforter, to guide us; to lead us; to call us into the unknown of our lives…and we are left praying, Come, Holy Spirit, Come…shine among the shadows…transform our hearts…console our grieving…encircle us with your peace…lead us in the dance of life…rekindle the flame of your desires within us…draw us to your goodness…empower us to move with you into your future…giving us courage and strength and hope for each new day…The party’s over…No, I think it’s only just begun… Blessings, Joanne

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