Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Being Aware

Good Morning All,

Many times since I began writing the Musings in 2000, people have asked me how I come up with my ideas. And my response is the same…my ideas come from my attempts to be in tune with God’s never-ending presence in my own life and the lives of God’s people and in my awareness of God’s creation all around me. It’s not a matter of looking for God to show forth here or over there. It’s more like being aware of what’s happening in people’s lives and then being able to see God present in any given situation.

Take yesterday for example…God was very busy, as God tends to be, in so many different ways, just in my little corner of the world; in the lives of people near and dear to me and you as well…

  • As night rolls into the bright morning light, a life went from the understandable pits of concern and despair to the mountaintop with the news of an excellent pathology report…
  • Then in the midst of gathering to support a family in time of grief and remembrance, God was there uniting hearts and lives in the common experience of death and burial…
  • And during that same time, I was able to hear stories of celebration about the birth of a grandchild and a loved one who has been sober longer than previous attempts…
  • Earlier I received the news of 2 people who are about to embark on new career opportunities while later only to learn how the anticipated dream job for someone else has been dashed and deferred; yet how hope is still alive as multiple resumes were sent out once again…
  • During the Elders’ meeting when the incoming met with outgoing leaders, God was very present in the enthusiasm of one class, meeting the wisdom and experience of the other; held together by the common desire to be witnesses of God’s Spirit in the lives of our church family…

These are just a few examples of God’s presence and work made known to me during the course of one day. I’m certain that each of you has his or her own experiences of God that are evident from day to day; the key is awareness…being aware of God at work in your life and the lives of others each and every day. Otherwise, we are easily caught in the trap of one day being like the previous one and exactly like the next one…head down, shoulder to the wheel, maybe even eyes closed and ears plugged as you plow your way through the monotony of your life and worldview. What a waste of time and energy!

Being aware of our surroundings; listening for words in conversations that help us share and connect our life stories with another or several others; taking time to breathe deeply from God’s rarified air…will give us a sense of awareness that brings meaning and purpose to our days and memories to our years...

God surrounds us wherever we go and in all that we do…God goes with us no matter where we go or what we do or whether we acknowledge it or not…Some say that our lives are lived as if we are “swimming in God…” So as the summer temperatures rise, there’s nothing quite like a refreshing swim…Got beach? Got Pool? No? Well then…let’s go swimming in God…the last one in is a rotten egg!

Blessings, Joanne

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