Wednesday, August 6, 2008

VBS Reflections

Good Morning All,

Take a few rooms, add scads of children; lots of volunteers and yummy snacks. Puree fun games that spend lots of energy & cool beach crafts. Mix-in lively music performed on colorful surfboards; alternate with a dose of Flamé, the Flamboyant Flamingo. Blend in adventurous stories from scripture and clever science demonstrations...Repeat for 5 evenings, letting set overnight each time. It’s a tried and true recipe for summer fun--“Beach Party-Surfin’ through the Scriptures” Vacation Bible School !

The lively pace of this exciting week is rewarding on so many different levels. Of course there’s the obvious fun from learning the stories of faith and new songs; and all the excitement and endless energy exhibited by the children and leaders. But it’s also the unsolicited comments: “I’m having so much fun!” “This is so cool!” “Hey, wanna race?” as well as the unsolicited actions of comforting a friend who tripped and fell; holding hands even with your sister :) ; sharing the last cookie. What joy comes from being together with church friends and making new friends as we have fun learning about the “Be-Attitudes:” Be Obedient…Be Kind…Be Forgiving…can’t wait to see what we learn tonight and Thursday!

Sunday during lunch I asked everyone about their memories of Vacation Bible School either growing up or with their own children, now grown. Of course, decades ago, it really was simpler—or does it just seem that way? Bible stories shared in a circle with flannel board characters; singing “The B-I-B-L-E,” “Jesus Loves Me;” “We are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder;”(the songs didn’t have to match the lessons :) ; basic crafts out of popsicle sticks and lots of Elmer’s glue; relay games to wear us out; a cup of Kool-aid and a couple of homemade cookies; a black & white group photo; and we were good to go. And “Go” we did—to every Vacation Bible School in our area—what a great tribute to Christian unity! This all gives credence to “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

In the midst of all that is high-tech and holy, I found my heart smiling on Monday night. VBS had officially ended and the children adjourned to the front yard for the “unofficial” program of playing until parents dragged them home…while they were headed in a gazillion directions, it was as if someone had hollered, “Freeze!” And without any one specific child leading the pack, you could hear them shout, “Fireflies!”—with a few “Lightning Bugs!” thrown in for good measure! And they began chasing them all over the yard. Some things never change! And as they were leaving I overheard a few of the parents attempting to explain how fireflies do their thing...helpful and informative, of course…but you know, I think it’s really more about chasing fireflies than explaining how fireflies do their thing.

My heart smiled again the next morning as I read one of the Tuesday morning comics, Rose is Rose. The little girl was simply ecstatic as she danced and sang; jumped for joy with drawings of hearts, rainbows and musical notes all around her. And over head in the night sky, fireflies were glowing while two of them said, “She REALLY enjoyed our show!” “She seems to LIGHT UP whenever we perform!” :)

The joy of unsolicited responses…whether it’s learning about God calling us to be obedient; to be kind; or to be forgiving; or simply dancing and jumping for joy that’s what makes vacation bible school times memorable and fun…that’s what makes so much of life memorable and fun. Pure bliss in the midst of God’s summer light show…
Blessings, Joanne

“Come, Satisfy the Hungry Heart”

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